Your Home SOLD in Days
or We'll Buy it for Cash

Your biggest dilemma when buying another home is deciding whether to buy first or sell first.
Either way is risky because you could wind up owning two homes or none at all.

Well, our Guaranteed Sale Program solves this dilemma. You see, BEFORE you even list with us, we prepare a total market analysis of your home, including a computerized printout of all comparable home sales and current listings in the area. Using this information, together we determine a market value for your home. This also determines your guaranteed price and list price which you receive upfront and in writing before we begin to market your home. Think of this as a better than risk free insurance policy. When you receive this guaranteed price from us in writing, you will have the security of knowing that your home is guaranteed to sell.

This is a really important guarantee for you as a home seller, and you win no matter what happens. Here is how it works:

  • In the unlikely event that your home does not sell within the day period, we will buy your home myself for the upfront guaranteed sale price we set together

  • but you’re doubly protected, because if you receive an offer on your home that is higher than the guaranteed sale price, you get the higher offer, not us.

So we're taking all the risk. You know your home will sell, and you know you will always get to benefit of the highest offer (whether it’s our guaranteed sale price, or a higher offer from an outside buyer).

The best part about the Guaranteed Sale Program is that you eliminate the usual stress and worry that most home sellers have: no conditional offers, no emotional roller coaster, no chance of getting stuck owning two homes. Our Guaranteed Home Sale Program makes the house hunting process a lot more fun because you know your home is guaranteed to sell.

Get instant access to a short video and free special report that explains how the Guaranteed Sale Program can benefit you by completing the form on this page.

Get your copy of the report here:
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